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Partner with an ITAD Provider for End of Year IT Asset Disposition 

Katelyn Harrison
Marketing Specialist
HOBI-IT asset disposition

As the year winds down, this may be the perfect opportunity to declutter office space in preparation for the new year. Because technology is constantly evolving and new models are announced each year, annual upgrades can result in retired IT assets piling up in corners and closets and taking up valuable storage space. Partnering with an ITAD provider relieves enterprises of the burden of disposing of old IT hardware and ensures that it is properly disposed of in an environmentally friendly manner. 

IT asset disposition is often put on the back burner due to a lack of knowledge of what to do with old hardware. Many companies know they should have a disposition plan in place but are uncertain of where to begin. 

There are several methods of disposal for IT assets, including landfills and incineration, but only one is the most beneficial and environmentally friendly. Most think of old cell phones, tablets, laptops and other electronic devices as they would any other waste, but e-waste is much different than your average waste and is more dangerous to the environment as well as personal health when disposed of improperly. 

One method many use for convenience is landfills, but electronics are manufactured with many precious metals that leak toxic chemicals when left in landfills for too long. These chemicals can soak into the soil and pollute groundwater, which will eventually contaminate the surrounding drinking water supply, and if gone unnoticed, can lead to long-term health issues down the road. Another method is Incineration, the burning of waste. However, many incineration facilities pollute the air with the chemicals being burned from the electronics. 

Recycling old IT assets not only prevents them from entering the waste stream but also helps protect the environment. IT asset disposition (ITAD) facilities like HOBI International collect your old, unwanted IT assets and ensure that no harm comes to our environment by recycling the devices.

HOBI also offers repair and refurbishment services for all models of mobile devices and tablets, prolonging the lifespan of discarded devices. This helps reduce the overall demand for new devices to be manufactured, which minimizes the need for energy and resources required to manufacture new products. 

Unlike landfills and incinerators, HOBI completely erases any residual data left on devices before recycling or repair, ensuring that none of your personal information is leaked in the process. It’s important to find an ITAD provider that prioritizes data security. Sometimes electronics are stored for a certain amount of time in warehouses before processing, and when you’re searching for an ITAD partner, it’s critical to know that your data is secure. 

For more information about our ITAD services, call 817-814-2620 or contact HOBI at sales@hobi.com

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