New X-Ray Technology Helps Prevent Battery Fires

Katelyn Harrison
Marketing Specialist
electronics recycling

Batteries are an ongoing issue in the e-waste industry, specifically the danger they present when damaged. The extensive disposition process can result in damaged batteries if overlooked or mishandled. An up-and-coming tech company has developed an imaging system that enables e-scrap processors and municipal recycling facilities to locate and remove hidden lithium-ion batteries and other hazards before they can present fire risks.

A combination of cameras, X-rays, and artificial intelligence, BinIt’s imaging system, Visia, allows processors to peer into their inbound device streams and remove hidden threats, including batteries. Lithium-ion batteries are often a silent danger lying in wait during disposition, but BinIt’s X-ray tech helps prevent battery fire risks by locating the source. 

Visia works like an airport baggage scanner, peering through fiber, plastic, and even some metal to identify the unique signature of batteries, and then alerts facility personnel via an app or a laser spotlight. 

Recently, the startup announced receiving $6.4 million in seed financing from multiple investors to continue meeting existing customers’ needs and expand to more facilities. BinIt’s imaging system is currently up and running in or slated for a dozen facilities. 

BinIt’s CEO, Raghav Mecheri, referred to the technology as a solution to the most significant problem the recycling industry faces today. “Whatever you might be or whatever type of facility you might operate, at the end of the day, these are a massive fire risk,” he said in an interview, referring to batteries and similar items. “Being at the forefront of stopping battery fires at [materials recovery facilities] is probably the thing that excites us the most.”

MRFs and other recycling facilities experience thousands of fires yearly, with lithium-ion batteries being the leading cause. Batteries that go unnoticed or are overlooked will end up crushed in the shredding or recycling process, causing devastating fires that can take days to extinguish. 

The ability to locate batteries, particularly lithium-ion batteries, is a significant step in battery fire prevention and could help shape the future of safe e-waste disposition. According to Mecheri, the system has a greater than 95 percent capture rate and continues to learn and gain experience from all locations. 

“We describe ourselves as the first true material visibility business,” Mecheri said. “That’s proven to be a game-changer for customers.”

In light of the innovative solutions presented by BinIt to mitigate battery fire risks in the recycling industry, the role of trusted ITAD operators like HOBI International, Inc. becomes even more crucial. These operators complement technological advancements by ensuring that once batteries are identified and removed, they are processed in a safe and environmentally responsible manner. HOBI, with its robust expertise in IT asset disposition, excels in handling the complexities associated with battery recycling. They employ stringent procedures to prevent potential harm from mishandling batteries during the recycling process.

Safely processing these batteries by entities such as HOBI is a critical step in ensuring that the efforts to prevent fires and hazards translate into tangible environmental benefits and risk mitigation. This synergy between technology and responsible recycling practices is pivotal in advancing the sustainability and safety goals of the e-waste industry, showcasing a proactive approach to preventing battery-related incidents and promoting a healthier planet.

HOBI is an R2v3, RIOS, and ISO 14001-certified IT asset management and disposition enterprise. For more information about our ITAD services, call 817-814-2620 or contact HOBI at 

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