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Value-Added Enterprise Asset Services 

Katelyn Harrison
Marketing Specialist

IT asset management and disposition become- more critical each year as technology evolves, and the electronics waste industry strives to accommodate the new needs of clients. ITAD providers typically offer many enterprise benefits, including data erasure services, reverse logistics, remarketing and resale, compliance assurance, etc.  Still, clients’ needs have become more sophisticated and now include value-added enterprise asset services. 

Value-added ITAD, or vITAD, services are service offerings that augment the traditional ITAD model with several additional facets of the industry, including support for remote workers, R2v3 certification, robust ERP, data privacy, and ESG reporting. These additions are part of the shifting ITAD landscape and provide many enterprise benefits.  

Support for remote workers results from the abundance of remote working in the business world. Many clients are now remote and require specialized services that support a remote work environment. HOBI provides support for remote workers via our remote box program, which offers strategies for the safe and quick collection, evaluation, and redeployment of equipment on behalf of our clients. 

ESG reporting is one of the newer ITAD industry service offerings focused on how well a company performs with respect to environmental, social, and governance issues and their policies on each. ESG reporting provides transparency and accountability within the workplace and is accomplished in many ways in the ITAD space through electronics recycling, data security, and certification. It is also something many companies are beginning to look for before partnering with other businesses. 

As an enterprise’s organizational method, ERP systems are used for many things, including supply chain management, order management, procurement, and analytics. ERP integration connects your ERP system with other on-premise and cloud applications your business uses, enabling your ERP system and the other apps to stay in sync. 

Each of these vITAD service offerings can benefit an enterprise in several ways. Support for remote workers enables an organization to continue serving remote clients and can help an enterprise achieve ESG social and environmental goals by helping their community recycle e-waste. ESG reporting helps foster compliance and provides accountability in the workplace. ERP integration enables organizations to communicate through one system and connect other applications for smooth processing. 

HOBI is an R2, RIOS, WBE, and ISO-14001 certified IT asset management and disposition enterprise with more than 30 years of industry experience. In addition to our other ITAD services, HOBI provides value-added services that offer additional benefits to clients as the industry continues to evolve. 

For more information about our ITAD services, call 817-814-2620 or contact HOBI at sales@hobi.com

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