Use an ITAD Company this Fall for Back-to-School Recycling

Katelyn Harrison
Marketing Specialist

As the summer ends, schools, including universities, are back in session,  and the most common supplies for university students are electronics. IT assets like laptops, tablets, smartphones, smartwatches, and printers are in high demand as new models are released, and each year, an increasing number of used IT assets are discarded. Many businesses retire older IT assets for new equipment to ensure all IT hardware is functioning properly, and universities are no different. However, the e-waste crisis continues to grow, and one of the leading contributors is an inadequate e-waste management infrastructure. However, partnering with an ITAD provider can help reduce the influx of e-waste with electronics recycling. 

Electronic waste makes up 70 percent of the earth’s toxic waste and continues to be a global issue as technology evolves. A popular method of disposition is landfills, but this will cause more harm than good to the environment and human health. Electronics are made with precious metals like gold, silver, copper, platinum, and iron. These metals leak toxic chemicals after long periods, soaking into the soil and polluting groundwater. Eventually, this will contaminate the surrounding drinking water and potentially result in fatal health issues for those who have ingested the contaminated water. Another popular method is incineration, which many turn to to avoid potential environmental pollution, but incineration also causes pollution. Rather than soaking into the groundwater, the chemicals pollute the air when electronics are burned and can also cause health issues for those living nearby. 

Electronics recycling is the only environmentally friendly method of e-waste disposal that truly protects the environment and mitigates pollution. Throughout the year, old IT assets can pile up, but ITAD providers like HOBI partner with companies seeking to recycle their retired or unwanted IT equipment and ensure it is disposed of properly. Some ITAD providers offer additional services for value maximization, including onsite data erasure for data security, repair and remarketing opportunities, and customizable reverse logistics services. 

Maximizing the value of retired IT assets helps extend the device’s life cycle and protects the environment. HOBI specifically offers Mobile Lifecycle Management services like repair, refurbishment, and remarketing, which help prevent IT assets from being sent to landfills by keeping them in circulation via reuse. Our onsite data erasure services ensure no data is leaked during disposition, and any hard drive that cannot be erased is destroyed for additional data protection. 

Ensuring proper IT asset disposition is not just a responsibility but a critical step in safeguarding the environment. By partnering with an ITAD provider, universities can play a significant role in keeping hazardous materials out of the waste stream. Partnering with ITAD professionals can also be a strategic move toward achieving environmental ESG goals by demonstrating a university’s commitment to sustainability and responsible business practices. 

For more information about our ITAD services, call 817-814-2620 or contact HOBI at

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