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Tips for Data Recovery 

Katelyn Harrison
Marketing Specialist
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A large portion of business is conducted digitally nowadays, which means large amounts of data are stored on IT assets like computers, tablets, phones, desktops, laptops, and data centers. In a digital era, many companies invest in cloud storage to ensure their data is not lost, but accidents happen, and data security is becoming more critical. Provided are some tips for data recovery and data loss prevention to help protect sensitive enterprise information. 

The first step is prevention. Malicious programs are one of the most common causes of data loss, and taking steps to prevent malicious programs from entering your device can help save data before it is lost. Practicing safe online behavior, such as avoiding visits to unverified sites and unsafe downloads to your computer, can help prevent hackers from hijacking data. Safe online practices can also help prevent ransomware and crypto ware viruses from infecting your device. 

Another data prevention method is to invest in cloud storage. Backing up data ensures the recoverability of your data if your device becomes infected. Cloud backup allows users to access lost files by restoring their device to factory settings, recovering untouched files from the cloud backup, or uploading the backup onto a new device. 

If disaster should strike, try to limit usage as much as possible until the damage is assessed. Using a damaged device could cause users to overwrite the lost data, making data recovery more difficult. Downloading or installing new programs to the device may also cause an overwrite, so it is best to use data recovery programs that can be accessed externally, such as a CD. 

In the event of a damaged device, the safest option is to take the device to an expert who can diagnose the problem and find a safe solution. If the device is beyond repair and the decision is made to retire it, proper disposition is key to protecting data. Just because data cannot be accessed by the user or a professional repair employee does not mean it is not there. 

Most consumers are unaware that data remains on a device until it is properly sanitized and all data is wiped. For this reason, proper IT asset disposition is critical. IT asset disposition enterprises like HOBI collect retired IT equipment and ensure it is disposed of properly via recycling, while also ensuring every device is completely wiped of data. 

HOBI is an R2v3, RIOS, and ISO-14001 certified IT asset management and disposition enterprise with more than 30 years of industry experience. Our data security process includes three stages where every device is fully wiped using an internally-developed data erasure tool called the HOBI Shield® before being recycled or remarketed. 

For more information about our ITAD services, call 817-814-2620 or contact HOBI at sales@hobi.com

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