The Uniqueness of Mobile Processing in the ITAD Space

Katelyn Harrison
Marketing Specialist
Mobile Device Processing

The mobility landscape has evolved tremendously over the past decade, with smartphone shipments increasing to around 1.2 billion units in 2022. While mobility-managed services have grown, mobile processing in the ITAD space remains a complex task. IT asset disposition typically involves processing hundreds of thousands of devices each year, but mobile device processing is a different ballgame. It’s much more complex and unique than processing other devices due to factors such as the operating system, the erasure solution, broken devices, and battery handling. This complexity underscores the need for professional ITAD services.

Device processing starts with data erasure, but the erasure process is completely different for mobile devices. Data remains on electronic devices long after retirement, but mobile devices are not completely overwritten, unlike traditional hard drives. Data erasure on a mobile device consists of deleting the customer data and restoring the original device operating system. The challenge lies in deleting a large portion of data while ensuring the client’s data remains on the device. Data erasure increases the value of retired IT assets by enabling them to be reused. This helps reduce the demand for new devices to be manufactured and provides a cost-effective alternative to new devices. Device reuse also helps keep mobile devices out of the waste stream.

Many mobile devices are manufactured with Lithium-Ion batteries, which will explode and cause chemical fires when damaged. Unfortunately, devices are often broken or damaged during processing, leading to warehouse accidents and high repair costs for property damage. Because the batteries are embedded in mobile devices, safe recycling requires an ITAD vendor to remove and recycle lithium-ion batteries without incident.

IT asset disposition facilities like ours play a crucial role in collecting retired IT assets and ensuring they are properly disposed of via electronics recycling. This not only prevents hazardous material from being sent to landfills and potentially polluting the environment but also helps reduce your carbon footprint. By partnering with an ITAD provider who understands the worldwide, dynamic nature of the end user market for mobile devices, you can maximize return for resaleable devices and contribute to a greener future. 

HOBI International, a trusted name in the industry, is an R2, RIOS, and ISO-14001 certified IT asset management and disposition enterprise with over 30 years of experience. Our industry-leading ITAD services, including complete data erasure and repair and resale options for all mobile devices and tablets at our Dallas and Phoenix locations, are backed by our trained professionals and stringent safety standards. Rest assured, your IT assets are in good hands with us. 

For more information about our ITAD services, call 817-814-2620 or contact HOBI at

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