Reducing E-Waste with Responsible IT Asset Disposition

Katelyn Harrison
Marketing Specialist

More than 350 million tons of hazardous waste was generated in 2023; as of February 2021, more than 50 million tons of hazardous waste have been thrown away globally. Each year, the amount of waste the world generates increases, and most is e-waste. Technology evolves every year, and electronic waste that eventually ends up in landfills or incinerators. This will result in air and water pollution, so responsible e-waste disposition is imperative. To reduce the amount of chemicals released into the environment, we first need to reduce the amount of e-waste we generate. 

Three steps to reduce e-waste: 

Reuse: One way to reduce the amount of e-waste is to reuse what you have. It may be tempting to upgrade your electronic devices each year, but using them until the end of their usable life cycle ensures you get every penny’s worth out of the device. If you upgrade a device and your old device still has life left, consider passing it down to a sibling or relative or donating it for reuse. Reusing old electronics prolongs the device’s lifespan and reduces the need for a new device, saving resources and money. 

Repair: When a device is damaged in any way, the primary response for many is to take it to the manufacturer, but this often results in paying more than you paid for the device or having to replace it altogether. Replacing devices is a common experience when turning to a large tech company for help. As an alternative, third-party repair shops are just as capable of repairing electronics, often at a lower price. This also extends the life cycle of the device, reducing the need for a new device. Purchasing refurbished devices instead of new ones is also a great way to reduce the need for raw materials and the amount of e-waste that will eventually be generated from old, retired devices. 

Recycle: If all other options have been exhausted and the time comes for the device to be retired, recycling the metals in the device provides materials for manufacturers instead of wasting resources for more. Unlike landfills and incinerators, recycling prevents any harm from coming to the environment or surrounding residents. 

IT asset disposition facilities like HOBI collect old, retired electronics and ensure they are repurposed or recycled. HOBI is R2, RIOS, and ISO-14001 certified and focuses on maximizing economic return and limiting potential environmental liability. 

For more information about our ITAD services, call 817-814-2620 or contact HOBI at

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