Reduce Your Carbon Footprint with Data Center Disposition 

Katelyn Harrison
Marketing Specialist
HOBI-data center solutions

Environmental awareness has become a staple in the business world, as many companies have implemented sustainability policies and reporting methods to enhance transparency and accountability. Environmental transparency is becoming increasingly critical in the digital age, especially regarding electronic waste. E-waste accounts for 70 percent of the earth’s toxic waste and will continue growing. Responsible IT asset disposition (ITAD) is a primary factor in combating the global e-waste crisis. ITAD providers offer end-of-use services for various electronics, including data center disposition, that will help reduce your carbon footprint.

How IT Asset Disposition Impacts Carbon Footprints

A company’s carbon footprint represents the negative impact the amount of greenhouse gasses they emit over time has on the environment. Reporting methods like ESG and carbon impact reports help hold organizations accountable for GHG emissions. Responsible IT asset disposition will make a positive impact on a company’s carbon footprint and help reduce global e-waste generation. 

An estimated 62 million tonnes of e-waste was produced globally in 2022, only 22.3 percent of which was documented as formally collected and recycled. As one of the fastest-growing solid waste streams in the world, e-waste presents significant challenges in the waste industry. Factors such as lithium-ion batteries prevent many electronics from being disposed of with municipal waste because of the potential for battery fires and pollution. ITAD enterprises like HOBI collect used IT equipment like phones, desktops, laptops, printers, and tablets and ensure they are properly disposed of via electronics recycling. Recycling keeps e-waste from entering the waste stream and mitigates the risk of pollution.  ITAD providers offer value-added services such as data security and erasure, repair and remarketing, donation programs, reverse logistics, and data center solutions. 

Data Center Solutions with an ITAD Provider 

Data centers are a central focus of any organization, as they hold significant amounts of enterprise and employee data. Much time and effort goes into maintaining data centers and ensuring data is protected at all times, and decommissioning or even relocation can become a headache. Disassembly alone can be time-consuming, and getting data centers from one place to another with no data leaks can also be costly.

ITAD providers offer data center solutions, including decommissioning, relocation, data erasure, and reverse logistics. As the primary storage method for many companies, data centers produce significant amounts of e-waste due to frequent server maintenance and upgrades, which can negatively impact an organization’s carbon footprint. Partnering with an ITAD provider for data center solutions will help protect data, mitigate environmental liability, and reduce clients’ carbon footprint. 

HOBI’s data center services include project management, secure chain-of-custody reverse logistics, data destruction and security, relocation, decommissioning, and asset remarketing and recycling. HOBI prioritizes data security and takes every precaution available to protect our clients’ personal information. Our R2v3, RIOS, and ISO-14001 certifications ensure all equipment is processed with full legislation compliance. 

For more information about our ITAD services, call 817-814-2620 or contact HOBI at

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