Logistics Solutions with an IT Asset Disposition Provider 

Katelyn Harrison
Marketing Specialist
Reverse logistics

Logistics plays a crucial role in the ITAD industry, as the process of transporting IT assets relies on safe, efficient methods of packaging, storing and transporting assets. Logistics goes beyond transport, and it is easy to forget about the other aspects of the process that are just as important such as packaging, data security, and asset relocation. ITAD providers offer a range of end-of-use services that include comprehensive reverse logistics services like data erasure, mailbag programs, and pick up all under the ITAD umbrella. 

There’s More to Logistics Than Transport 

Transporting IT assets isn’t just about moving assets; it’s about moving expensive equipment from one place to another without incidents. Until data is properly erased, it remains on IT equipment even during transport, which means enterprise data is still vulnerable during transport after asset retirement. Finding an ITAD provider with transparent reverse logistics services helps provide a measure of data security before data is wiped from the devices and peace of mind that your data is in the right hands. Another thing to consider is the safety of your IT equipment. Transporting IT assets without damaging any of the hardware requires proper packaging methods to ensure a safe trip and temperature storage to prevent overheating. 

ITAD Covers a Range of Logistics Services 

With an ITAD provider, every aspect of logistics is taken care of. A significant portion of the business world is fully remote, which means finding an ITAD partner with reverse logistics services is critical to continue receiving IT asset disposition. Data security should always be a number one priority, and HOBI offers onsite data erasure to ensure clients that their data is protected throughout the process. In addition to data security, secure packaging plays a key role in assets getting from one location to another in one piece. Proper packing, data security, and transparency ensures clients that their IT assets will be transported safely and securely, and their data in capable hands. HOBI maintains full chain-of-custody moves so that the material remains with the same driver or within the same system throughout the transport, eliminating cross-docking.

Reverse logistics is a staple in the ITAD industry for quick, accurate asset transportation, whether it’s decommissioning for relocation or disposition, and partnering with an ITAD service provider like HOBI will offer companies an opportunity to save time and money on transporting IT assets. 

HOBI is a premier IT asset management and disposition provider with more than 30 years of industry experience. HOBI prioritizes client satisfaction with optimized reverse logistics solutions including onsite data erasure to ensure no data breaches occur during transport, and secure point-to-point and secure chain-of-custody transportation options. By working closely with each client, we determine their logistics needs while successfully managing costs. 

For more information about our reverse logistics or vITAD services, call 817-814-2620 or contact HOBI at sales@hobi.com

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