ITAD Providers Offer Services for Non-Traditional AssetsĀ 

Katelyn Harrison
Marketing Specialist

Traditionally, office IT assets included desktops, printers, scanners, and landlines, but as technology advanced and a digital age was born, mobile devices became more utilized, establishing a need for non-traditional asset processing. IT asset disposition (ITAD) enterprises provide a range of end-of-use services for retired IT assets, including non-traditional assets. 

The Shift to Mobility   

Mobile devices are the most commonly used form of electronics due to their convenience, and continue to grow in popularity. Smartphones, smartwatches, tablets, and laptops are among the most utilized mobile devices for schoolwork, business, and communication. However, the rapid deployment of new models and increasing prices lead to hundreds of thousands of used mobile devices left in drawers or thrown away with municipal waste, or devices that no longer work due to slow processing systems and users who cannot afford a new device. Some users even discard devices before they stop working and let used devices go to waste. 

ITAD providers offer value-added IT asset management services for all mobile device models, including data erasure, repair and refurbishment, asset redeployment, and e-recycling. Remarketing devices maximizes the value of used assets and helps provide IT equipment to those without access, which can also help a company achieve social ESG goals. 

Data Center Solutions for a Digital Age 

Data centers are another non-traditional part of the IT infrastructure that has become more necessary as the world grows increasingly digital. When enterprises switch to cloud computing, their data is stored digitally in data centers. Data remains on devices until properly wiped, which means large amounts of private company and employee data may become vulnerable to hackers if not disposed of properly. Data center decommissioning can be overwhelming, but ITAD providers offer data center solutions, including decommissioning, relocation, remarketing, and data erasure, to help ease the burden. 

HOBI offers comprehensive data center solutions that minimize downtime and maximize return on assets. HOBI prioritizes security, efficiency, and value maximization throughout each of our data center services. Our data center services include project management, reverse logistics, data erasure, equipment removal, device remarketing, and device recycling. HOBI also provides mobility-managed services for mobile devices to maximize the value of used assets. 

For more information about our vITAD services, call 817-814-2620 or contact HOBI at

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