Below is a recap of this week’s blog posts including the rise of text message scams, details regarding IATAM ACE 2023, how to conquer the mobile landscape with a vITAD provider and tips for some eco-friendly Mother’s Day gifts.
SMS Phishing: The Rise of Text Message Scams
Text messages have become the primary form of communication, and now they’re becoming the primary form of scams. SMS phishing, or smishing, is not a new method for scammers but has increased dramatically in recent years. If you have noticed a surge in text messages from popular businesses like Netflix, UPS, or even a popular bank claiming a problem with your account information, you are not alone.
HOBI’s President Speaks on vITAD Concept at IATAM ACE 2023
IATAM ACE 2023 is underway in Nashville, Tenn. The annual event brings industry professionals together to connect and discuss changes in the ITAD landscape, and today HOBI’s president and co-founder, Craig Boswell, is speaking on how new ITAD services are evolving from the traditional ITAD model during a session called vITAD – The Next Generation of ITAD Services.
Conquer the Mobile Landscape with a vITAD Provider
Mobile devices are the primary technology used worldwide, surging in popularity, especially over the past twenty years. Mobile communication is appealing to many users due mostly to convenience. Studies show that 85% of the 8 billion global population has a mobile phone, and of that 85 percent, 90 percent use smartphones.
Eco-Friendly Mother’s Day Gifts
Mother’s Day is quickly approaching, and with that comes all the festivities and gift-giving. Choosing a thoughtful and sustainable gift is a great way to honor all the mothers in our lives. Here are some environmentally-friendly gift ideas for this Mother’s Day season.