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Four Ways ESG Creates Value 

Mahlet Dozier
Create value with ESG-HOBI

Businesses that fall short in environmental, social, and governance matters risk being rated poorly. Having a strong ESG portfolio can create greater value for them. Here are four strategies for achieving that value.    

High-quality growth 

A strong ESG proposition offers more eco-friendly products, therefore attracting more B2B and B2C, as well as benefits from better access to resources. A strong ESG proposition also allows companies to gain a foothold in new markets and expand into pre-existing ones. 

When governing authorities trust businesses, they are awarded access, approvals, and licenses that assist in opportunities for advancement and growth. A study done by McKinsey Quarterly found that companies with social commitment activities that were said to be valuable by the public and social stakeholders had better luck in receiving those resources and without any holdups. ESG can also drive customer traffic, where 70 percent of customers surveyed on purchase in various industries said they’re willing to pay an additional 5 percent for environmentally friendly products, according to McKinsey research. 

Cost Reduction 

Having a solid ESG proposition can help reduce costs significantly. Achieving the perfect ESG plan can be an aid in reducing expenses such as raw material costs and the actual cost of water and carbon, which research has proven can affect operating profits by about 60 percent.  

Reduced regulatory and legal involvement 

With a strong ESG proposition, an organization can achieve freedom from regulatory pressure and earn assistance, grants, and government support. Across sectors and regions, researchers have consistently seen how a strong ESG plan helps companies avoid unfavorable governmental actions.

Boost on employee Efficiency 

Not only will a strong ESG proposition help companies bring in and keep high-quality employees, but it will also increase employee motivation by implanting purposefulness, which will ultimately increase productivity. It has been proven that employees with a sense of purpose and perception of impact on the good of their work perform exceedingly well. Recent studies also show that employees react positively when companies do their diligence and give back to the community. In the same way a strong ESG proposition can boost employees to perform better, a weak ESG proposition will certainly do the opposite. 

HOBI’s value-added IT asset disposition (vITAD) services incorporate ESG value for our clients by providing Scope 3 GHG reporting to our clients. IT asset disposition is expanding beyond the traditional model of reverse logistics, data erasure, remarketing, and recycling. ESG reporting is now required table stakes and should be a primary consideration when selecting an ITAD service provider.    For more information about our vITAD services, including our ESG reporting model,  call 817-814-2620 or contact HOBI at sales@hobi.com

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