Exploring the IT Asset Disposition Process Step by Step 

Katelyn Harrison
Marketing Specialist

IT asset disposition is a growing necessity as technology continues to evolve significantly. Electronics are a prevalent part of society, and many companies are still uncertain how to dispose of their retired IT assets. Improper disposal can result in environmental pollution and become detrimental to human health, but partnering with an ITAD provider mitigates environmental liabilities and ensures IT assets are disposed of responsibly. Despite the growing ITAD landscape, many still lack the knowledge of proper IT asset disposition or what it entails. 


First, after IT assets are collected and the check-in process is completed, decisions are made on each item’s salability. Some retired assets still have some use left and can be remarketed to maximize their value. 

Data Erasure  

Data security is a number one priority for IT asset disposition. Data remains on devices until it is properly sanitized, which leaves data vulnerable to theft, which is why it is often the first order of business. After IT assets are collected and checked in, each device goes through a rigorous data security process in which all data is wiped from the device. Data erasure ensures no data leaks occur during the disposition process. HOBI implements two stages of data security, including data erasure with our internally-developed data erasure tool, HOBI Shield. If resale is not an option either due to the age of the material or due to client requirements, the media is destroyed via shredding technology. 

Repair & Remarketing

Some ITAD facilities offer repair and refurbishment services to maximize device value. When all data is erased, assets are then tested and diagnostics are run to determine if there are defective components. All used devices eligible for resale are repaired if necessary during this stage, then remarketed or redeployed to other client facilities if needed. Asset redeployment helps prolong the life cycle for retired IT assets. It supports a circular economy by keeping assets in circulation longer and keeping them out of the waste stream entirely. 

Demanufacturing & Recycling 

Assets that are not able to be resold or donated are then sorted for de-manufacturing, a core function of HOBI International. HOBI believes in the sustainability of a circular economy and employs a manual disassembly process to allow maximum recovery of both re-salable parts and scrap material. HOBI’s goal in the disassembly process is to recover and create the maximum return on scrap material for our clients while ensuring all hazardous elements are identified and processed properly. All recyclable material generated in the de-manufacturing process is entered into HOBI’s asset tracking system to allow tracking of scrap revenue recovery back to a specific client load code.

Responsible IT asset disposition is a key factor in reducing e-waste generation, and partnering with an ITAD provider for proper e-waste disposal will not only help the environment but also benefit clients by helping them meet environmental, social, and governance goals. 

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