Device Reuse Will Help Reduce the Influx of AI E-Scrap

Katelyn Harrison
Marketing Specialist
HOBI-Artificial intelligence

AI is taking over the world, but not in the way one might think. Generative artificial intelligence has become a popular online experience, but with the evolution of technology comes an influx of electronic waste. AI machines are also increasing and will eventually need to be upgraded and maintained like any other machinery, further contributing to e-waste generation. A key component of e-waste reduction is device reuse. ITAD providers offer services like repair and refurbishment designed to maximize the value of retired IT assets via remarketing used devices. As a crucial part of a circular economy, device reuse helps close the loop and helps eliminate waste. 

AI’s Growing Popularity, Convenience, and Pitfalls 

The idea of AI was first conceived in the 1950s and has since evolved into the growing phenomenon we see today. Most commonly used in digital assistants like Siri or Alexa and online search engines, AI is also utilized in transportation via driverless vehicles and healthcare, finance, retail, and manufacturing. The growth of AI has provided many conveniences but is also driving an increased demand for IT asset management. Researchers from Beijing, Israel, and the U.K. recently published “E-waste challenges of generative artificial intelligence,” which traces the growth in large language models used in high-profile tools like ChatGPT. The research found that cumulative e-scrap generation of these models, mainly from data centers, could range from 1.2 million metric tons to 5 million metric tons. 

E-waste is a growing issue, and the evolution of AI will only contribute to the annual global generation. However, partnering with an ITAD provider helps reduce a company’s waste output with services like repair, remarketing, and donation programs for device reuse and value maximization. 

Reduce AI E-waste Generation with Device Reuse 

IT assets are typically upgraded annually or biannually to ensure they continue functioning properly, but sometimes quick turnaround rates mean assets are retired before their useful life cycle ends. This means many IT assets are retired when still in working condition, and many are disposed of before their time. Device reuse closes the circular economy loop and helps prevent working devices from being disposed of too soon. IT asset management enables companies to maximize the value of retired IT assets that are still in working order by repairing and remarketing them. ITAD Enterprises like HOBI provide a range of IT asset management and disposition services focusing on maximizing value with materials recovery and mitigating environmental liability. Donation programs are another value-added ITAD (vITAD) service that helps keep retired devices out of the waste stream by enabling companies to donate used equipment to those in need.

For more information about our ITAD services, call 817-814-2620 or contact HOBI at

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