The latest industry news, expert tips, and best-practice recommendations for IT Asset Disposition.


Global Impact of Logistics Obstacles in the ITAD Industry 

Reverse logistics is a crucial step to asset recovery in ITAD, but several obstacles in the industry affect the economy and the global logistics supply chain as well. Device reuse and asset redeployment are key factors in logistics operations, and recent shifts in the industry, such as Basel Convention changes, will significantly impact asset recovery and e-scrap shipments when the changes go into effect in 2025. 

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Electrical Safety
IT Asset Management

Electrical Safety Measures with Proper IT Asset Management  

A cornerstone of a successful business is the ability to acquire and maintain enterprise, employee, and client data; data loss can significantly impact business growth and performance. One of the leading causes of data loss is a power outage or a power surge, and 94 percent of companies that experience severe data loss never recover. This month is Electrical Safety Month, and HOBI has gathered some tips for protecting important data with proper IT asset management. 

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HOBI Weekly Blog Recap (5/6-5/9)

Below is a recap of this week’s blog posts including how to enhance data security with responsible IT asset disposition, the social ESG benefits of ITAD with mobility managed services, ITAD’s Enhanced Impact, and data security with IT asset management in a digital world. 

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ITAD’s Enhanced Impact: Value-Added IT Asset Disposition

Clients’ needs have evolved, and these new facets help traditional ITAD vendors adapt to a more sophisticated industry landscape. As an augmentation of core ITAD service offerings, these value-added IT asset disposition services mark a significant change in industry standards, in a term HOBI pioneered as vITAD. 

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Mobility Manages Services

Social ESG Benefits of ITAD with Mobility-Managed Services 

Proper IT asset disposition is a necessity today, and ITAD providers like HOBI offer mobile asset management services such as repair and refurbishment, remarketing opportunities, and donations programs that maximize device value and can help enterprises achieve social ESG goals. 

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HOBI blog recap

HOBI Weekly Blog Recap (4/29-5/2)

Below is a recap of this week’s blog posts, including how ITAD and ESG are pioneering data center sustainability, finding an all-inclusive ITAD provider, using an ITAD provider to dispose of IT assets responsibly, and how ITAD providers close the loop in the circular economy. 

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Circular economy

ITAD Providers Close the Loop in the Circular Economy

As the most environmentally friendly method of e-waste disposal, IT asset disposition plays a crucial role in closing the loop in the circular economy with electronics recycling. As technology evolves, the e-waste crisis continues to grow. ITAD providers help keep e-waste out of landfills by recycling retired IT assets or preparing them for reuse via asset redeployment rather than throwing them away and creating more waste. 

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IT Asset Disposition

Use an ITAD Provider to Dispose of IT Assets Responsibly 

Partnering with an IT asset disposition provider can alleviate the burden of sorting through piles and finding a safe disposition method for unwanted e-waste. This is the perfect time to spring clean and make room for new equipment, which means finding a responsible disposal method for retired IT assets.  

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IT Asset Disposition

Partner with an All-Inclusive IT Asset Disposition Provider 

When searching for the right ITAD provider, there is much to consider. For instance, are they capable of keeping your data safe? What are their data security protocols? Do they offer reverse logistics services? Are they up to date with the latest industry compliance standards? It can be overwhelming, but we’ve gathered some tips to help you know exactly what to look for when searching for an ITAD provider. 

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data center circularity
Data Center Services

ITAD and ESG are Pioneering Data Center Sustainability

In the data center sector, grappling with sustainability challenges, innovative IT Asset Disposition (ITAD) and Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) strategies are crucial. These approaches integrate circular economy principles, emphasizing refurbishment, recycling, and careful disposal of IT assets to align technology growth with sustainability goals. Companies like HOBI International, Inc. lead by extending asset lifecycles and advancing recycling technologies, thereby reducing environmental impact and fostering responsible data management aligned with global sustainability objectives.

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HOBI-ESG compliance

ESG Compliance: The Key to Sustainable ITAD Operations

Environmental awareness is more prevalent as companies strive to focus more on sustainability, but governance ESG criteria are perhaps the most important when processing e-waste in the ITAD industry. Many businesses focus on accounting methods and records, but for ITAD processing facilities, compliance is the key to achieving governance ESG goals.

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