The latest industry news, expert tips, and best-practice recommendations for IT Asset Disposition.

HOBI-Prevent data breaches with cybersecurity software, and protect data after asset retirement with ITAD
Data Security

Cybersecurity Problems & Solutions to Boost Data Protection 

Digital data storage eliminates the need for a messy filing system but makes enterprise and employee data vulnerable to online crime. Cyberattacks are becoming more prevalent as the world becomes increasingly digital, and it’s critical for companies to safeguard data at all times. 

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HOBI-Help contribute to a circular economy by partnering with an ITAD provider

Circular Economy: Reduce E-Waste with ITAD and Recycling

E-waste can also be eliminated with a circular economy by reducing the amount of e-waste that is produced, reusing old electronics, and recycling what cannot be recovered. The first step in e-waste reduction is partnering with an ITAD provider to dispose of e-waste properly.

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HOBI-HOBI offers IT asset disposition services that benefit your business.
Enterprise Asset Services

ITAD Necessities: Services That Benefit Your Business

Asset disposition is more than just getting rid of retired IT equipment. ITAD enterprises are multifaceted service providers that offer a range of end-of-use services, from data security to reverse logistics. HOBI provides explicitly value-added services in addition to core services that help companies achieve ESG goals while maximizing the value of retired IT assets. 

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HOBI Weekly Blog Recap (9/7-10/10)

Below is a recap of this week’s blog posts including utilizing cybersecurity strategies to avoid phishing scams, streamlining data center decommissioning with ITAD solutions, how ITAD partners offer sustainable solutions for asset disposal, and the impact of the Basel Convention on the ITAD industry. 

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Cargo ship at sea

The Impact of the Basel Convention on the ITAD Industry

The Basel Convention is an international treaty that regulates the transboundary movement of controlled waste, including electronic waste (e-waste). The treaty now includes the Swiss-Ghana Amendment, passed in 2022, which intends to protect human health and the environment. Still, it poses several challenges for ITAD companies when it goes into effect on Jan. 1, 2025. Handling and managing the responsible recycling and disposal of electronics is challenging in any capacity, but the Basel Convention’s regulations will complicate operations.

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HOBI-Practice sustainable ITAD solutions with an ITAD provider

ITAD Partners Offer Sustainable Solutions for Asset Disposal

As a new industry standard, ESG reporting assists companies in providing transparency and accountability in three areas. In the ITAD space, environmental standards are guaranteed for responsible IT asset disposition, and ITAD providers offer sustainable solutions for e-waste that help clients achieve environmental ESG criteria. 

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HOBI- practice cybersecurity with an ITAD provider like HOBI
Data Security

Utilize Cybersecurity Strategies to Avoid Phishing Scams 

As technology has evolved, hackers have devised different ways to extract information from users, and scams are getting more challenging to detect. Cybersecurity is more important than ever in the digital age, and it is critical to take steps to ensure your data is protected against data theft. 

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HOBI Weekly Blog Recap (9/30-10/3)

Below is a recap of this week’s blog posts including lithium-ion battery safety with proper IT asset management, cybersecurity after asset retirement with ITAD, how ITAD drives ESG goals focused on diversity and compliance, and how vITAD services provide asset disposition to remote clients. 

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vITAD Services Provide Asset Disposition to Remote Clients

Value-added IT asset disposition augments traditional services like logistics, data sanitization, certification, and onsite services by adding new value-added ITAD services. HOBI refers to this industry evolution as the value-added ITAD era, offering vITAD services such as remote management, support for remote workers, ESG reporting, legal hold monitoring, and donation programs to help ease the transition. 

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HOBI-hobi provides data security services for retired IT assets
Data Security

Cybersecurity After Asset Retirement with ITAD

Technology is the primary source of information storage, communication, and business, meaning significant data is stored digitally. Because of this, cybersecurity is becoming increasingly critical to protect enterprise and employee data. Data security must be a top priority for any enterprise, especially in this digital age. October is cybersecurity month, and ITAD providers offer a range of end-of-use services prioritizing data security throughout the disposition process. 

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HOBI-Partner with an ITAD provider to help prevent device overheating
IT Asset Management

Lithium-Ion Battery Safety with Proper IT Asset Management 

Battery fires have replaced electrical fires as the number one cause of fire and are becoming more prevalent since the rise of electric vehicles, especially in large cities. New York City and San Francisco fire departments have reported handling over 660 fires involving lithium-ion batteries during the last five years. 

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HOBI Weekly Blog Recap (9/23-9/26)

Below is a recap of this week’s blog posts, including helping the world transition to a circular economy with ITAM, the critical nature of repair and reuse in a digital world, a guide to reverse logistics for IT asset disposition, and sustainable solutions for used mobile assets.

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