The latest industry news, expert tips, and best-practice recommendations for IT Asset Disposition.


HOBI Weekly Blog Recap (7/22-7/25)

Below is a recap of this week’s blog post, including asset management best practices for IT asset disposition, mobile asset management services that maximize device value, how ITAD partners provide a multitude of enterprise benefits, and end of school year recycling tis for IT assets with ITAD.

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ITAD Partners Provide Multitude of Enterprise Benefits 

IT asset disposition doesn’t stop at asset disposal. ITAD enterprises offer a range of end-of-use services that provide many benefits to companies that partner with ITAD professionals. Services such as device repair, data erasure, recycling, and even WBE certifications can help companies achieve environmental and social ESG goals, protect data on retired assets, and maximize the value of used IT equipment. 

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HOBI- IT asset management
IT Asset Management

Mobile Asset Management Services That Maximize Device Value 

Device reuse is becoming more popular, and can help save an enterprise money on IT assets. Partnering with a vITAD provider that offers mobile asset management services to maximize asset value saves enterprise funds and protects data after retirement, contributing to a circular economy. 

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HOBI-IT asset management
IT Asset Management

Asset Management: Best Practices for IT Asset Disposition 

IT assets are a prominent tool in the business world, but many companies possess too many. Often, IT assets are upgraded annually in favor of newer models, and the old equipment is retired regardless of whether it is still usable. This can lead to storage issues when old assets pile up in empty spaces. Responsible IT asset disposition starts with IT asset management, and implementing best ITAD practices. 

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HOBI Weekly Blog Recap (7/15-7/18)

Below is a recap of this week’s blog posts, including data protection with an all-inclusive ITAD provider, reducing e-waste with ITAD by donating retired IT assets, achieving ESG goals with a value-added ITAD provider, and details of the webinar hosted by BAN and SERI discussing the Basel Convention amendments. 

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Achieve ESG Goals with a Value-Added ITAD Provider 

Partnering with a vITAD enterprise like HOBI provides multiple avenues for ESG growth, including diversification, data security, e-recycling, device value maximization through repair and remarketing, and helping to bridge the digital divide with donation programs. 

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Reduce E-Waste with ITAD by Donating Retired IT Assets 

Office assets like phones, laptops, computers, tablets, and desktops are often upgraded and discarded in favor of newer models. However, a primary reason for the e-waste crisis is poor e-waste management. However, partnering with an ITAD provider to donate retired IT assets will help protect the environment by preventing used electronics from entering the waste stream.

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HOBI-Data security
Data Security

Data Protection with an All-Inclusive ITAD Provider 

IT assets are typically upgraded every one to two years to ensure they continue functioning properly, and retired assets often become an afterthought. Many are left in storage or piled in supply closets until a disposition plan can be made. The problem is that data is left vulnerable even after retirement, and data protection is critical in a digital age. All-inclusive IT asset disposition providers offer a range of services for end-of-use assets, including data erasure and security. 

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HOBI-Blog recap

HOBI Weekly Blog Recap (7/8-7/11)

Below is a recap of this week’s blog posts including logistics solutions with an IT asset disposition provider, environmental awareness with ITAD service offerings, value-added ITAD services for a changing industry, and lithium-ion battery facts and preventing battery fires at home. 

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vITAD: Value-Added ITAD Services for a Changing Industry 

Value-added services like remote management, ESG reporting, ERP integration, and donations programs help clients navigate the obstacles of these recent changes, and help ITAD enterprises continue to provide IT asset disposition services to clients. 

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Environmental Services

Environmental Awareness with ITAD Service Offerings 

Electronic waste makes up 70 percent of the world’s toxic waste, and proper disposition of retired IT assets not only help protect the environment, but can also protect the health of those living near landfills. IT asset disposition providers like HOBI collect retired IT assets like laptops, computers, tablets and smartphones, and ensure they are properly disposed of via e-recycling. 

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Reverse logistics
Reverse Logistics

Logistics Solutions with an IT Asset Disposition Provider 

Logistics plays a crucial role in the ITAD industry, as the process of transporting IT assets relies on safe, efficient methods of packaging, storing and transporting assets. Logistics goes beyond transport, and it is easy to forget about the other aspects of the process that are just as important such as packaging, data security, and asset relocation. ITAD providers offer a range of end-of-use services that include comprehensive reverse logistics services like data erasure, mailbag programs, and pick up all under the ITAD umbrella. 

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