The latest industry news, expert tips, and best-practice recommendations for IT Asset Disposition.


vITAD Services Provide Asset Disposition to Remote Clients

Value-added IT asset disposition augments traditional services like logistics, data sanitization, certification, and onsite services by adding new value-added ITAD services. HOBI refers to this industry evolution as the value-added ITAD era, offering vITAD services such as remote management, support for remote workers, ESG reporting, legal hold monitoring, and donation programs to help ease the transition. 

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HOBI-hobi provides data security services for retired IT assets
Data Security

Cybersecurity After Asset Retirement with ITAD

Technology is the primary source of information storage, communication, and business, meaning significant data is stored digitally. Because of this, cybersecurity is becoming increasingly critical to protect enterprise and employee data. Data security must be a top priority for any enterprise, especially in this digital age. October is cybersecurity month, and ITAD providers offer a range of end-of-use services prioritizing data security throughout the disposition process. 

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HOBI-Partner with an ITAD provider to help prevent device overheating
IT Asset Management

Lithium-Ion Battery Safety with Proper IT Asset Management 

Battery fires have replaced electrical fires as the number one cause of fire and are becoming more prevalent since the rise of electric vehicles, especially in large cities. New York City and San Francisco fire departments have reported handling over 660 fires involving lithium-ion batteries during the last five years. 

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HOBI Weekly Blog Recap (9/23-9/26)

Below is a recap of this week’s blog posts, including helping the world transition to a circular economy with ITAM, the critical nature of repair and reuse in a digital world, a guide to reverse logistics for IT asset disposition, and sustainable solutions for used mobile assets.

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HOBI-ITAD providers offer mobile asset management as sustainable solutions to e-waste
Mobile Asset Management

Sustainable Solutions for Used Mobile Assets

ITAD enterprises focus on sustainable solutions for e-waste disposal and offer a range of end-of-use services for retired IT assets including mobile devices. Mobile asset management services and electronics recycling ensure the best action is taken for the environment at every step of the disposition process. 

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HOBI-reverse logistics
Reverse Logistics

A Guide to Reverse Logistics for IT Asset Disposition 

IT asset disposition providers offer customized reverse logistics solutions and other ITAD services that protect assets and data throughout the disposition process. There is more to logistics than just transportation, and services like data erasure, mobile asset management, and relocation are all part of the ITAD logistics process.

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The Critical Nature of Repair & Reuse in a Digital World

A long-standing opposition to the right-to-repair, Apple has made headlines in recent years for switching sides in support of the movement but has recently announced a feature that seems to counteract prior support and left many in the repair and reuse industry frustrated once more. 

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HOBI-Partner with an ITAD provider for ITAM services
IT Asset Management

Help the World Transition to a Circular Economy with ITAM

The world generates about 50 million tons of e-waste annually, making electronic waste the world’s most rapidly growing waste problem. This is primarily due to the rate at which technology has evolved during the last decade and the inability to dispose of it fast enough correctly. Responsible e-waste disposition is critical in a digital world. Proper management of IT assets will help reduce the e-waste crisis and help the world transition to a circular economy. 

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HOBI Weekly Blog Recap (9/16-9/19)

Below is a recap of this week’s blog posts including vITAD as a one-stop solution for data center services, how ITAD includes mobile asset management services, the top three challenges ITAD companies face with ESG reporting, and details about HOBI’s president speaking at SERI’s 2024 Electronics Sustainability Summit. 

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HOBI-Join HOBI's President at the eSustainability Summit

HOBI’s President to Speak at the SERI Sustainability Summit

Formerly the E-Reuse Conference, the SERI Electronics Sustainability Summit will take place October 22-24 in Austin, TX, where industry leaders will gather at the premiere electronics recycling and sustainability event to gain valuable knowledge, network with experts, and explore the latest trends shaping the future of electronics reuse. Among the many industry experts scheduled to speak, HOBI’s president, Craig Boswell, will chair a session on the evolving reuse market for mobile devices. 

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ITAD companies facing ESG reporting challenges with sustainability solutions

Top Three Challenges ITAD Companies Face with ESG Reporting

In today’s business environment, ESG compliance is a crucial priority for organizations, including ITAD (IT Asset Disposition) companies. While the demand for transparency in sustainability grows, many ITAD firms struggle with the complexities of ESG reporting. Here, we delve into the top three challenges ITAD companies face in ESG reporting and how they can effectively address them.

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HOBI-IT asset management with an ITAD provider
Mobile Asset Management

ITAD Includes Mobile Asset Management Services

IT asset disposition covers more than just disposing of old IT equipment. ITAD providers also offer mobile asset management services that maximize the value of retired mobile IT assets like phones, laptops, tablets, monitors, printers, and more. Partnering with an ITAD provider offers a chance to responsibly and dispose of retired IT assets and support the circular economy through reuse. 

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HOBI-data center services
Data Center Services

vITAD: A One-Stop Solution for Data Center Services 

There are many things to consider when retiring equipment, such as data centers, data security, secure transport if relocation is needed, and a disposition method that won’t harm the environment. ITAD providers are a one stop solution for all data center needs, with services like data destruction to mitigate data leaks, decommissioning, relocation, reverse logistics, and electronics recycling. 

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HOBI-Blog Recap

HOBI Weekly Blog Recap (9/9-9/12)

Below is a recap of this week’s blog posts including how ITAD services protect and repair IT assets from power surges, how to help reduce e-waste with an IT asset disposition provider, value-added ITAD solutions that benefit your enterprise, and meeting ITAD standards in a changing industry landscape. 

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