The latest industry news, expert tips, and best-practice recommendations for IT Asset Disposition.


ITAD in 2025: Navigating Growth, Regulations, and Innovation

Last year, increasing electronic waste drove tremendous industry growth as companies searched for environmentally sound e-waste disposition. ESG became a new requirement that many companies adopted to help achieve sustainability initiatives. In addition to industry growth and environmental awareness, organizations prioritized secure data destruction to comply with stringent regulations.

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HOBI-acheive sustainability goals with an ITAD provider

ITAD Solutions: Drive Sustainability & ESG Goals in 2025

Environmental awareness is becoming increasingly important as technological advancements like AI become more prevalent, and developing an ITAD plan will help companies reduce their carbon impact, achieve ESG goals, and maximize ROI. IT asset disposition is often an afterthought, usually ignored until old assets become an issue. However, establishing a disposition plan with an ITAD provider will ease the burden of e-waste disposal and save budget funds by eliminating the need to find multiple vendors. 

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HOBI-IT asset management
IT Asset Management

Prioritize IT Asset Management in the New Year with ITAD

IT asset disposition (ITAD) professionals offer a range of end-of-use services for retired IT assets, including asset management with redeployment, reverse logistics, data security, and electronics recycling. As a one-stop solution for all end-of-use needs, an ITAD partner will ease the burden of disposition and ensure clients get the most out of their assets even after retirement. 

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HOBI-HOBI wishes you a merry Christmas
Environmental Services

Celebrate a Merry Christmas Sustainably with HOBI’s Tips

As the year comes to a close, HOBI extends warm wishes for a Merry Christmas and a joyous holiday season! Amid the holiday travel, gift exchanges, and festive lights, it’s easy to forget about our environmental impact. That’s why we’re here to help you celebrate the holidays with sustainability in mind. Below are some practical and eco-friendly tips to make your festivities a little greener this year.

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HOBI Weekly Blog Recap (12/16-12/19) 

Below is a recap of this week’s blog posts, including navigating the Swiss Ghana amendments in the ITAD industry, safeguarding enterprise data after retirement with data erasure, sustainable practices simplified with ESG and ITAD, and how device reuse will help reduce the influx of AI e-scrap. 

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HOBI-Artificial intelligence
Electronics Recycling

Device Reuse Will Help Reduce the Influx of AI E-Scrap  

ITAD providers offer services like repair and refurbishment designed to maximize the value of retired IT assets via remarketing used devices. As a crucial part of a circular economy, device reuse helps close the loop and helps eliminate waste. 

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HOBI-ITAD companies prepare for industry changes

Navigating The Swiss Ghana Amendments in the ITAD Industry

The new Basel Convention amendments are a looming obstacle for the ITAD industry, with the Swiss Ghana amendments set to go into effect on Jan. 1. The changes include the reclassification of certain materials not previously classified as hazardous, subjecting them to the same shipment regulations as hazardous materials such as CRT glass or devices with batteries containing mercury, cadmium or lead.

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HOBI-reverse logistics
Reverse Logistics

ITAD Logistics Solutions for a Remote Environment 

Reverse logistics is a staple in the ITAD industry as a service that helps ease the burden of transporting assets, and finding an ITAD partner can also help mitigate the logistics hurdles of a remote workforce. IT asset disposition is critical in an age when technology is almost a requirement for daily life. 

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HOBI-battery recycling
Electronics Recycling

Battery Recycling is Key to Safer E-Waste Disposal Practices

ITAD providers offer various disposition services, including repair and safe battery removal. Battery recycling is critical to reducing battery fires, and Indiana recently received a grant to help spread awareness by expanding battery recycling in the community. 

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HOBI offers repair and remarking opportunities

Repair Used Devices with an ITAD Provider to Maximize ROI

Companies must keep IT assets updated to maintain a smooth business operation and often dispose of used equipment before a device’s useful lifecycle ends. ITAD providers offer repair and remarketing opportunities and end-of-use services that extend the used device lifecycle and help maximize ROI. 

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