The latest industry news, expert tips, and best-practice recommendations for IT Asset Disposition.


Value-Added E-waste Services for an Evolving ITAD Landscape 

IT asset disposition is increasingly essential as technology continues to evolve and a prominent shift in industry standards. Traditional ITAD services have changed over the past five years and include value-added services to help clients navigate hurdles produced by a post-pandemic landscape. Services such as ERP integration, ESG reporting, and remote management are among the most notable. Value-added services play a key role in reducing e-waste by helping to keep used IT assets in circulation. 

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HOBI-IT asset management
IT Asset Management

Prevent Battery Fires: Safely Manage Mobile IT Assets

Mobile devices are the most commonly used form of technology globally, but they also present many dangers when poorly managed. Popular mobile devices such as smartphones, tablets, laptops, and smartwatches are made with lithium-ion batteries, known to ignite when damaged.

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HOBI-data security
Data Security

Navigate Data Security Challenges with an ITAD Provider 

Data theft has skyrocketed alongside mobile device sales, and it is becoming more challenging to spot hackers and to keep data protected. Without proper steps to ensure data safety, data is often at its most vulnerable when IT assets are retired. Partnering with an ITAD provider that offers services like data erasure will help keep sensitive enterprise data safe even after disposition. 

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HOBI Weekly Blog Recap (8/12-8/15)

Below is a recap of this week’s blog posts including ITAD service offerings that cover non-traditional IT assets, cybersecurity tips to help protect sensitive enterprise data, partnering with an ITAD provider for enterprise asset services, and using an ITAD company this Fall for back-to-school recycling. 

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Use an ITAD Company this Fall for Back-to-School Recycling 

Many businesses retire older IT assets for new equipment to ensure all IT hardware is functioning properly, and universities are no different. However, the e-waste crisis continues to grow, and one of the leading contributors is an inadequate e-waste management infrastructure. However, partnering with an ITAD provider can help reduce the influx of e-waste with electronics recycling. 

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HOBI-Enterprise Asset Services

Partner with an ITAD Provider for Enterprise Asset Services 

IT asset disposition is more than just getting rid of retired IT assets. The asset disposition process covers a range of other services, such as data security, repair and remarketing, and recycling, all of which can significantly benefit an enterprise. ESG has become a popular reporting method for keeping track of environmental, social, and governance goals, and partnering with an ITAD provider can also help companies achieve each of these goals through enterprise asset services. 

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HOBI-Data protection
Data Security

Cybersecurity Tips to Help Protect Sensitive Enterprise Data

Many businesses have gone fully remote, which means business is conducted entirely digitally, and data is more susceptible to leaks. Data security should be a top priority for any enterprise, especially in this digital age, including those using personal devices at home to conduct business. Below are some tips for keeping your data safe in a remote environment. 

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ITAD Service Offerings Cover Non-Traditional IT Assets 

Mobile devices are the most commonly used type of IT assets, but because they are considered non-traditional, many companies are unsure how to dispose of them. ITAD facilities offer end-of-use IT asset disposition services to non-traditional IT hardware, including mobile devices and data centers. 

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HOBI Weekly Blog Recap (8/5-8/8)

Below is a recap of this week’s blog posts including how software locks are hindering the circular economy and reuse, preventing environmental pollution with IT asset disposition, the impact of the Basel Convention on ESG in the ITAD industry, and navigating environmental, social and governance standards. 

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ESG: Navigating Environmental, Social & Governance Standards

ESG represents a company’s environmental, social, and governance policies as more businesses become environmentally conscious and strive to reduce their carbon footprint. ESG also helps companies seeking to connect with eco-friendly businesses find others with similar ESG goals.

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HOBI-Data security
Data Security

Software Locks are Hindering the Circular Economy & Reuse

Lock screens may come to mind when considering data protection methods, but software locks prevent multiple users from simultaneously accessing and modifying the same resource. Software locks are an integral part of operating systems, but they may prevent mobile devices from being reused, hindering a circular economy’s success. 

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HOBI Weekly Blog Recap (7/29-8/1)

Below is a recap of this week’s blog posts including ITAD solutions to pitfalls of data center decommissioning, remote management with reverse logistics and HOBI’s box program, diversity and ESG goals with a WBE certified ITAD partner, and value-added ITAD services that benefit your business. 

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Explore Value-Added ITAD Services That Benefit Your Business 

Value-added ITAD services are new disposition services that maximize value for retired IT assets and provide enterprise benefits. vITAD services like ERP integration, legal hold monitoring, and license retirement help companies communicate more effectively, prevent legal issues, and increase asset value after retirement. 

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