Achieve Governance ESG Goals in 2024 with vITAD

Katelyn Harrison
Marketing Specialist

ESG reporting provides a level of transparency and accountability for an enterprise in reference to environmental, social, and governance issues. ESG also helps companies stand out to those seeking to do business with organizations striving to reduce their carbon footprint, expand diversity, and maintain compliance. 

At first glance, ESG may seem unnecessary, but each category can benefit a business in many ways. Environmental and social ESG criteria receive much attention due to the growing sustainability awareness and the need to bridge the digital divide. Governance criteria can become overlooked in the race for sustainable practices and electronics reuse programs, but they are essential and could cost a company clients if not addressed. 

Governance criteria are achieved in the ITAD space through compliance, audits, and transparency. The IT asset disposition process includes handling large amounts of data and expensive IT hardware, which requires compliance and many certifications to ensure that assets are handled appropriately. Additionally, proper data security ensures no data leaks occur, maintaining an enterprise’s reputation and protecting sensitive employee and enterprise information. 

The vITAD concept centers around the change in the ITAD landscape. As the world evolves, so do clients’ needs, and vITAD addresses these needs by offering value-added IT asset disposition in addition to the traditional core service offerings. vITAD consists of several additional facets of the industry, including support for remote workers, R2v3 certification, robust ERP, data privacy, and ESG reporting. 

With more than 30 years of experience in the industry, HOBI undergoes yearly audits for each of its programs in all three locations to ensure the device refurbishment and recycling process is compliant with local, state, and federal e-scrap disposal legislation. HOBI’s R2v3, RIOS, and ISO 14001 certifications guarantee accountability at all levels of the IT asset disposition process. 

HOBI is also WBE certified, which enables other companies to identify HOBI as a diverse supplier and enhance the ESG goals of major corporations looking to do business with a woman-owned company. Certification is a large part of governance criteria, and companies with a WBE certification offer enterprises an opportunity to achieve their own governance ESG goals by partnering with a diverse supplier.

For more information about HOBI’s vITAD services, call 817-814-2620 or contact HOBI at

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