vITAD Represents The Progression of IT Asset Disposition 

Katelyn Harrison
Marketing Specialist

Traditionally, the core services of IT asset disposition have included logistics, data sanitization, certification, onsite services, and more. However, as the digital landscape evolves, clients’ needs become more sophisticated. The ITAD industry is evolving to include a new list of criteria and expectations to meet these needs. HOBI refers to the value-added IT asset disposition services or vITAD. 

Value-Added IT Asset Disposition

The vITAD concept augments the traditional ITAD model with ERP integration, portal customization for asset tracking, asset redeployment, re-imaging, and ESG reporting. vITAD consists of several additional facets of the industry, including support for remote workers, R2v3 certification, robust ERP, data privacy, and ESG reporting. 

Support for Remote Workers

Experiencing a pandemic changed the business world and created a new requirement for ITAD providers – support for remote workers. Many people have chosen to continue working from home and require specialized services that support a remote work environment. HOBI offers support for remote workers via our remote box program, which provides strategies for safe and quick collection, evaluation, and equipment redeployment for our clients.  

ESG Reporting

Though not a new concept, ESG reporting has grown in popularity and is now something many businesses look for before partnering with an ITAD provider. ESG represents a company’s environmental, social, and governance policies. ESG reporting provides transparency and accountability within the workplace. ESG is accomplished in many ways in the ITAD space through electronics recycling, data security, and certification. 

These new vITAD criteria represent a change in industry standards as more businesses strive to reduce their carbon footprint, and IT asset management and disposition become increasingly important. HOBI is a committed IT asset management and disposition enterprise focusing on maximizing economic return and mitigating potential environmental liability. 

HOBI implements vITAD criteria in all of our service offerings, including data security and erasure services, the remote box program for remote workers, fully transparent and traceable reverse logistics services, refurbishment and remarketing opportunities, and our R2v3, RIOS, and ISO 14001 certifications. 

For more information about our ITAD services, call 817-814-2620 or contact HOBI at

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