Technology is the primary source of information storage, communication, and business, meaning significant amounts of data are stored digitally. Because of this, cybersecurity is becoming increasingly critical to protect enterprise and employee data, especially for remote workers. Many businesses have gone fully remote, which means business is conducted entirely digitally, and data is more susceptible to leaks. Data security should be a top priority for any enterprise, especially in this digital age, including those using personal devices at home to conduct business. Below are some tips for keeping your data safe in a remote environment.
Safety Practices
First, and arguably the easiest thing to do, is to keep your software up to date. A good suggestion for those who typically forget to check for updates would be to turn on Automatic Updates. This goes hand in hand with using secure browsers such as Firefox or Chrome, which frequently receive security updates.
Another safety tip is to change passwords periodically. Using password managers to create strong passwords is one way to safeguard against passwords that may be easy to guess. It’s easy to fall into the habit of using the same, or similar passwords for everything, but one password means one key to all personal information and accounts.
Additionally, beware of suspicious emails and links prompting you to visit webpages that may contain viruses or enable hackers to access your accounts.
Data Protection
Data protection is critical to cybersecurity and can be achieved in several ways. First, keeping security information such as SS numbers, bank account information, or health information off computers and devices ensures protection and privacy. Many of today’s applications require some level of personal information in order to use the app. In this case, data should be safely removed when it is no longer needed, or data encryption should be employed when handling sensitive information.
Many computers and phones become susceptible to viruses if not properly updated and protected. One way to combat losing information to viruses is by installing antivirus or anti-malware protection from a trusted source and keeping the programs up-to-date to ensure they remain effective. Another data protection tip is to keep your information backed up in case of a security breach that may result in a data erasure and software reinstallation.
Find an ITAD Provider
IT asset disposition providers like HOBI offer end-of-use services such as data erasure and device remarketing for retired IT assets. Partnering with an ITAD provider will help protect data even after disposition and maximize device value with services like repair and refurbishment. HOBI helps mitigate the challenges of continuing with technology updates and equipment refresh initiatives by offering strategies to navigate remote hurdles with our Remote Box Program for companies with a remote workforce. These services include safe strategies for the safe and quick collection, evaluation, and redeployment of equipment redeployment on our clients’ behalf.
For more information about our ITAD services, call 817-814-2620 or contact HOBI at