Below is a recap of this week’s blog posts including how software locks are hindering the circular economy and reuse, preventing environmental pollution with IT asset disposition, the impact of the Basel Convention on ESG in the ITAD industry, and navigating environmental, social and governance standards.
Software Locks are Hindering the Circular Economy & Reuse
Data security is at the forefront of mobile asset management. As technology has evolved, security threats become increasingly prevalent, making data security measures mandatory for every mobile device. Lock screens may come to mind when considering data protection methods, but software locks prevent multiple users from simultaneously accessing and modifying the same resource. Software locks are an integral part of operating systems, but they may prevent mobile devices from being reused, hindering a circular economy’s success.
Prevent Environmental Pollution with IT Asset Disposition
Responsible IT asset disposition is critical in a world dominated by technology. However, many disposal methods used today result in environmental pollution. Landfills and incineration facilities are both popular due to convenience, but ultimately do more harm to the environment than good and can negatively impact the health of those living nearby. Having a disposition plan in place with an IT asset disposition provider enables companies to dispose of retired IT assets responsibly via electronics recycling.
Impact of Basel Convention on ESG in the ITAD Industry
Recent changes to the Basel Convention, the Swiss-Ghana Amendment, and new e-waste classifications are set to significantly influence ESG and carbon impact reporting within the ITAD sector. The Information Technology Asset Disposition (ITAD) industry increasingly aligns with environmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria and carbon impact reporting. As global awareness of environmental sustainability intensifies, the demand for responsible electronic waste management rises.
ESG: Navigating Environmental, Social & Governance Standards
As a critical component in business, ESG symbolizes a new set of criteria for companies to follow to maintain industry standards. ESG reporting has become more popular in the value-added IT asset disposition (vITAD) era to provide more transparency and accountability to clients. ESG represents a company’s environmental, social, and governance policies as more businesses become environmentally conscious and strive to reduce their carbon footprint. ESG also helps companies seeking to connect with eco-friendly businesses find others with similar ESG goals.