Technology is evolving at a staggering rate, plunging the world into an increasingly digital era and increasing device turnaround rates. Simple electronics are more expensive than they have ever been, but working with obsolete IT hardware puts companies at a disadvantage and prevents access to real-time data. This has increased the pressure to keep up with software updates and hardware upgrades. As a result, many businesses are now choosing to lease IT equipment rather than purchase it, and partnering with an ITAD provider can help maximize device value with off-lease device processing.
Leasing IT assets can benefit a company in several ways. A lease contract requires only a minimal initial investment for the equipment, which allows for the preservation of cash flow for the enterprise. Leasing IT equipment also increases flexibility when taking on new equipment or upgrading as a business grows. Additionally, IT equipment will never be obsolete because enterprises can get the latest technology when their lease expires. Once the leased equipment is returned, it can be sent to an end-of-life facility like HOBI for processing or remarketing.
IT asset management and disposition enterprises offer value-added services for off-lease devices. They assist leasing companies in several ways, including end-of-life services like device testing and disposal. Partnering with HOBI International, Inc. for device processing includes vITAD services such as data erasure, repair and refurbishment, and asset redeployment. Many companies are unaware that IT equipment contains residual data until properly sanitized. ITAD providers like HOBI mitigate potential data leaks, ensuring the security of your sensitive information.
HOBI offers device repair and refurbishment services and remarketing opportunities for asset redeployment to maximize device value. Asset redeployment provides maximum ROI for off-lease hardware and ensures clients get the most value from their IT equipment.
The ITAD landscape is indeed growing, but what sets HOBI apart from competitors is our Mobility Managed Services (MMS). We provide full-service, post-launch Mobile Lifecycle Management (MLM) for MMS programs, ensuring your devices are always up and running. We work closely with leasing companies to provide quick and reliable repair, refurbishment, and buyback solutions, giving you the confidence that your IT equipment is in the best hands.
ITAD enterprises like HOBI are a cost-effective and responsible solution for processing off-lease equipment. For more information about our vITAD services, call 817-814-2620 or contact HOBI at